of the following did Jesus say?
A) “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true
worshipers will worship the Father with majestic organs and choirs, for they
are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”
B) “Yet
a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the
Father with guitars and drums, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father
C)“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true
worshipers will worship the Father with skill and harmony, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”
D)“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true
worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”
(For help, see John 4:23)
The Father is seeking people to worship Him! Did you catch that? Or did
that message get lost in the debate between organs and choirs versus guitars and
drums? Or maybe your thoughts were distracted by the skill and harmony part? If
you did, you are not alone! It’s happening over and over again in churches
across America.
We divide ourselves over silly
things like whether we like organs or guitars, totally forgetting that the
Father is looking for people who want to worship Him! We get distracted away from true heartfelt
worship by comparing one musician against another, preferring one person’s
playing or another’s voice without giving any thought that true worship is not
about what tickles our ears the best but is about what pleases God.
For true worship is not about
instruments and voices or even who has the most skill and harmony. It is about
people coming before God to worship in the Spirit and in truth. Instruments can
be played well, played poorly, or not played at all, and people can still
worship in Spirit and in truth. People can sing beautifully in harmony or they
can be terribly off-key; either way they sound wonderful to the Father if their
hearts are right before Him.
The Father is seeking people to
worship Him! It is worth repeating. He loves to hear you sing to Him whether
you have a good voice or not. He loves to hear you play an instrument in
worship even if it’s not studio quality. He loves to receive that sacrifice of
praise whether it is coming from lips that are singing and proclaiming His
greatness, hands that are serving someone or painting a picture, or minds that
are unleashing creativity and wonder. The Father loves it when we worship with
whatever we have to offer as long as we offer it in Spirit and in truth.
What the Father doesn’t like, however, is fake
worship. Worship that is not done in truth but out of obligation or because
everyone else is doing it is not worship at all. The most skilled musician can
lead us in song but if his heart is not in it he is just singing a song. We can
put on our Sunday best, go to church, give our 10%, and sing our hearts out but
if we fail to humble ourselves before God and exalt Him over our lives and our
own selfish desires then we haven’t really worshiped. The Father is seeking
people who will worship Him in truth and He knows when we are just flapping our
lips or going through the motions.
you are one of the many among us who have been distracted by the circumstances
of life or the debates over the style of music and have not been giving your
heart to God in worship on a regular ongoing basis, know that God does not hold
that against you but instead is just waiting for you to turn to Him and begin
to worship Him in whatever way seems best to you.
can sing His praises in the car or in the shower as well as in church, and in
fact I think He likes it best when we spontaneously praise Him and thank Him
for all that He has done and is doing in our lives. You can simply talk to Him,
praying out loud or in your own heart, or have a song of praise on your lips or in your heart as you go throughout your
day. You can do your daily work as onto the Lord, making it an act of praise
onto Him, whether it is doing the dishes at home or serving a customer in your
all these things and much more as sincere acts of worship as the Spirit leads
you and the Father will be well-pleased to find you worshiping in Spirit and
in truth.
Let’s Pray Together: Father, I confess that I don’t always worship you the way that I should.
Sometimes I forget to worship or pray and simply go my own way without thought
of You. Other times I do take the form of worship but I just do it out of
routine or obligation and my heart isn’t really in it. Forgive me. And thank
you that because of the cross of Jesus I am forgiven and I have a fresh start
in my relationship with You. Help me to worship You in Spirit and in truth, with
my spiritual ears in tune to your leading and my heart open and right before
You. Keep me from any duplicity or falsehood in my relationship with You and
with others. Lead me as I pray and show me how you want me to worship You…
(Continue praying as you feel led)
This devotional is authored
and published by Randy Brockett. All publishing rights are reserved but readers
are encouraged to repost (please include this copyright info)
or share his insights with their family, friends, and congregations. For
other devotionals by Randy, see www.blesseddisciples.com,
www.dwellinchrist.com, and www.discoveringbiblicalchurch.com.
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