Which one of the following is in the Bible?
A) For your church sanctuary is the temple of the living
God. As God has said: “I will dwell in
the sanctuary and walk among them. Keep the carpets and the furniture clean,
for the sanctuary is holy ground.”
B) For your church meetings make up the temple of the living God. As God has said: “If
your people wear their Sunday best, dressed and adorned appropriately, then I
will dwell in them and walk among them.”
C) For you are the temple of
the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in
them and walk among them. I
will be their God, and they shall be My people.”
(For help, see 2 Corinthians 6:16)
Which one of the above is important to the church you
attend? Do church members put a high value on the building and especially the
sanctuary, calling it the house of God and the place where He dwells? Or is
there an emphasis on dressing up and looking nice to go meet with God?
In either case, I’ve got a reminder for you: God doesn’t
dwell in temples or sanctuaries made by human hands. And you don’t have to
dress up for Him; He is with you when you are naked in the shower or hanging
out in your underwear or doing yard work in your grubbies. He is with you all
the time, not restricted to buildings or dress codes, because He lives in you.
Grab a hold of that and think about it for a minute.
Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Sustainer of all that is,
lives inside of you. Not in a church sanctuary. Not in a holy temple on some
remote mountain. Not even in a worship service, although we may sense His
presence more strongly as we open ourselves up to Him.
No, the Living God doesn’t live in any of those things.
He lives in you. So all that effort that we put into keeping the sanctuary
clean? It would be better to put that kind of effort into keeping our lives and
thoughts clean. And all that money and attention to detail that we spend on our
Sunday morning clothing? We would be better off giving the money to the needy
and paying attention to the details of our relationship with God – talking to
Him regularly, studying His Word, and investing time building encouraging and
edifying relationships with other believers.
Don’t misunderstand me – our buildings and our personal
appearances are important in that we need to be good stewards and be thought
well of by others so that they too might come to the Lord – but God doesn’t
dwell in those things. He dwells in you. He dwells in me. Christ in you and
Christ in me is the hope of glory and the light of the world.
It doesn’t
matter how glorious a temple is adorned or how high the steeples reach toward
heaven or how magnificent the music sounds as it echoes through the chambers.
God doesn’t dwell there. All of that is just a picture of how God lives inside each
of us who gives our lives to Him and invites Him to come and live inside us.
Give your
life to Him now and invite Him to become a living reality in your life. If you
have done that before, do it again with a fuller understanding that you are the
temple of the Living God and that He is worthy of you adorning your life with
good works, kind words, and godly attitudes. You are His temple; let his temple
resound with His praises echoing around the chambers of your innermost being.
You are His sanctuary; keep yourself clean from worldly influences and the
lusts of the flesh. Be set apart for Him just as the temple of God in the Old
Testament was set apart for Him.
And finally,
rejoice that God no longer dwells in a temple like in the Old Testament or in
sanctuaries made by men. For that means that His presence is no longer
restricted to a certain geographical location but is available to all who call
upon His name regardless of where they live or where they happen to be at the
time. You can meet with God in your bedroom or prayer closet just as surely as
you can meet with him in a church building.
So take
advantage, meet with Him right now. Wherever you happen to be, begin calling
upon Him and talking to Him and thanking Him that He is so readily available.
Invite Him to be a living reality in your life and carry yourself as a living
temple of God in a way you never have before. Carry Him with you into every
conversation, every relationship, and every difficulty that you face. He will
calm the storms of your life and give you a peace and a power in prayer that
you never had before.
Let’s Pray Together: Father
in heaven, thank you that you live inside of me, not in buildings or man-made
sanctuaries. Teach me how to honor you in my body, in my conversations, in my
thoughts, and in everything I do. Help me to carry your presence into every
aspect of my life. Let other believers sense your presence in me and come to me
for encouragement and prayer. Let those who don’t know you yet sense that there
is something different about me and inquire about You. Give me boldness to
represent you and carry your presence into my workplace, school, or other
everyday situations. I love you, Lord, and long to see you move in the people
and situations I bring before you now…(continue praying as you feel led)
This devotional is authored and published by Randy Brockett. All publishing rights are reserved but readers are encouraged to repost (please include this copyright info) or share his insights with their family, friends, and congregations. For other devotionals by Randy, see www.blesseddisciples.com, www.dwellinchrist.com, and www.discoverbiblicalchurch.com.
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